Результаты проекта

Varbūtības modeļi tiek plaši izmantoti dažādu procesu aprakstam un analīzei plašās sfērās kā drošība, riska analīze, rindošanas teorija, datu komunikācija, loģistika, glabāšanas sistēmas utt. Šim mērķim bieži vien tiek izmantoti Markova modeļi. Arvien lielāku popularitāti gūst  ideja ievietot šos modeļus kādā ārējā vidē, kas tiek aprakstīta ar Markova ķēdi ar nepārtrauktu laiku. Tie ir tā…

What did we learn from the postdoc project?

Author: Dmitry Pavlyuk The research project “Spatiotemporal urban traffic modelling using big data”[i] is coming to the end and it’s time to summarise the results. The primary objective of the project was methodological: enhancement of urban traffic flow forecasts by responsive spatiotemporal models based on big data. “Spatiotemporal” means use of relationships that appear between…

Markova modeļi transportā

Markova procesi (MP) ir vispopulārākie un visbiežāk izmantotie stohastisko sistēmu modelēšanas rīki. Piemēram, vispilnīgākā meklētājprogramma Google Scholar atspoguļo aptuveni 2700 rakstus, publicētus 2019. gadā, kuru nosaukumā ir vārds “Markov”. Turklāt, ja meklēšana tiek paplašināta arī saturā (ieskaitot patentus un citātus), tad mēs iegūstam apmēram 25 tūkstošus rakstu. Kas padara Markova procesus tik pievilcīgus? No vienas…

Logistics and Overland Transport Network for Training «Blue Collars»

ELRII-465 Funded by Estonia – Latvia – Russia

Concepts of Roadside Infrastructure and Rest Areas LLIV-299

Concepts of roadside infrastructure and rest areas

Policy Learning in Information Technologies for Public Transport Enhancement

Цели и задачи Recent years, Public Transport policies have developed many different services for citizens, such as “infomobility”, which provides travellers with information on the Public Transport services available in their location. However, not all EU regions make use of the same services, which makes it difficult to spread its use at different geographic levels.…

BSR TransGovernance

Контакты Веб-сайт: www.transgovernance.eu/ Latvian National coordinator — Prof. Igor Kabashkin Контактный телефон: +371 67100594 Электронная почта:

Rail Baltica Growth Corridor

Purposes and tasks Rail Baltica Growth Corridor has two pilots. Connectivity Pilot The first pilot aims to improve the accessibility of Baltic Sea Region by introducing Rail Baltica Travel Information Network, an integrated door-to-door travel planner for the Rail Baltica region in terms of long-distance and local public transport, covering multimodal (road, sea, rail and…